Vote for Kenny!

There’s a new comic-voting site in town, and this one looks promising. For every vote I get on Comic Hovel, I get some advertising credits! I can use all the free advertising I can get, so I highly encourage you to vote for me. The site is still new enough that I actually have a chance at getting on their front page! My 100 readers comic can compete with 1000 reader comics at the moment! How about that?

Online Comics CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR ME ON COMIC HOVEL! (There’s also a button in the sidebar so you can vote any time)

ALSO: Leave a comment/rating to raise my visibility even more!

I think you can only vote once, so there won’t be constant reminders like with Top Web Comics. On that note, I’ve stopped updating the vote incentives on Top Web Comics, because my traffic from them plummeted when I started the vote incentives. By “plummet”, I mean it went from 3 visits a week to zero. Not worth the extra effort, unless I can get on their front page. I need several thousand more readers before I have a chance at that. I’ll still keep that button around, though.

Update: You can vote once a day! Vote EVERY day! Every vote increases the views of my ads. I think that’s enough vote incentive, isn’t it? They have just added vote incentives, but if I get in on that, it won’t be very often.

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